The Short Film and Short Animation Awards are open exclusively to British productions and recognise excellence, innovation and experimentation in short filmmaking. The winners will be announced on stage at the illustrious Film Awards ceremony in front of an audience of the greatest names in international cinema and millions of television viewers worldwide. With these two Awards in particular, BAFTA highlights and rewards the immense diversity and incredible talent of British filmmakers and raises the profile of the art of short filmmaking in the UK.
To find out how to enter, and to learn more about BAFTA’s year-round charitable activity, visit the Shorts Awards page on
Bafta Call For Entries Press Release (59.7 KB)
Nick Williams
[email protected]
0207 292 5847
About BAFTA:
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts is an independent charity that supports, develops and promotes the art forms of the moving image by identifying and rewarding excellence, inspiring practitioners and benefiting the public. In addition to its Awards ceremonies, BAFTA has a year-round Learning & Events programme that offers unique access to some of the world’s most inspiring talent through workshops, masterclasses, lectures and mentoring schemes, connecting with audiences of all ages and backgrounds across the UK. BAFTA relies on income from membership subscriptions, individual donations, trusts, foundations and corporate partnerships to support its ongoing outreach work. For further information, visit