The Best Video Games of 2024
Alyx Jones
Dialogue Editor
Alyx Jones’s journey to working on triple-A games has not been an easy one. The death of her mother at a young age, followed by domestic violence and homelessness could have overwhelmed some, but Alyx is made of stronger stuff. A teenage trip to Abbey Road Studios combined with entering game jams at the University of Surrey provided the impetus to combine her two main passions, music and games. After graduating with a Masters in Music Composition, Alyx found herself at voice production company Liquid Violet, working on the dialogue for such games as Just Cause 4 (2018), and Borderlands 3 (2019), Final Fantasy VII remake (2020), Gloomhaven (2021) and Elden Ring (2022). She recently founded her own company, Silver Script Games, with exciting plans to make her own game.
In her own words:
“I was always really into rock music and audio as a way of expressing myself creatively. My mum would play Tetris to get through her chemotherapy sessions, so that was my first realisation that games are quite powerful. After she died, I played games a lot as a coping mechanism and a form of escapism… Then there was some domestic violence and I became homeless after that, so music, audio and games were all things I connected with that got me through…
“The game I’m making is autobiographical, about that time in my life. I like games that tell difficult stories and approach the kind of subjects that films and television deal with very well… Because of how interactive games are, I feel it can have some real power and maybe change people’s thoughts of what happens with all types of mental health…
“I founded a games studio recently, so BAFTA Breakthrough will be super helpful in getting advice on that. Even though it’s a tiny little indie studio, it’s the first time I’ve been doing exactly what I want to do. It would be awesome to launch my game one day. There are lots of people at BAFTA who have gone through that, so their insight and advice will be invaluable.”
Alyx’s Breakthrough credit is for the game Elden Ring