Winner's acceptance speech by Sian Clifford for Fleabag in the Female in a Comedy
SIAN CLIFFORD: Oh, my God—laughter-- oh wow, I don’t know if you can see, Phoebe, but-- oh my god, sorry, this is so unexpected—Oh, my God, I don’t even believe in competition. All of the women I am recognised with including the one that I wouldn’t even be here—because of.
Oh, my God, this is unbelievable.
Thank you, thank you to everyone on my jury, I was on a jury for the first time this year, in fact, it was my first Zoom of lockdown so, it was memorable and the connection was terrible. So, thank you to everyone who endured that process. Thank you to everyone involved on our project, you’ve been incredible, I wouldn’t be here.
There is no Claire without Fleabag. I honestly don’t—I don’t know what to say this is-- so stupid, and so weird and so surreal
Sarah and Gbemi, you’re amazing and I hope you’re celebrating today, because we’re all winners here—it’s all kind of a nonsense really, it’s a beautiful mess. Thank you-- oh, my God