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BAFTA confirms eligibility and voting rules for the 2023 EE BAFTA Film Awards

26 July 2022

EE BAFTA Film Awards to take place on Sunday 19 February 2023   

Today, BAFTA confirms the eligibility and voting rules for the 2023 EE British Academy Film Awards. Several updates will be introduced by the BAFTA Film Committee, building on the wide-ranging changes introduced as part of the first phase of the BAFTA Review in 2020.

Set out below, these updates will enable the EE BAFTA Film Awards to continue evolving alongside the ever-changing landscape of the film industry and awards season. Voting will continue to take place over three rounds: Longlisting, Nominations and Winners.

Also confirmed today are the longlist and nominations announcement dates. The longlist will be unveiled on 6 January 2023, followed by the nominations on 19 January, ahead of the ceremony on 19 February. A comprehensive overview of entry information including rules and eligibility requirements can be found on our Awards webpage here.  

Anna Higgs, Chair of BAFTA Film Committee, said: “We are delighted to confirm our plans for the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2023, as we continue to shine a light on the incredible ingenuity and creativity of filmmakers, and their talented cast and crews. With an ongoing industry-wide focus on meaningful representation, our expansion of entrants’ data on diversity and inclusion will accelerate the progress BAFTA has made in driving positive change globally.

As the BAFTA Film Committee, we believe deeply in ensuring our processes are clear and transparent for voters, encouraging as many films as possible to be watched, and levelling the playing field for all. Developed in consultation with industry stakeholders and BAFTA’s global membership, updates to eligibility and voting continue to hold excellence at the heart of all we do, and we are looking forward to celebrating extraordinary British and international talent at the next Film Awards.”

Round One Voting (Longlists)

The longlist round was first introduced in 2021 following the BAFTA 2020 Review. Every category in this round is voted on by a Craft Chapter, opt-in Chapter, or Jury, with the exception of Best Film, which is voted for by all film-voting members. Chapters are made up of a minimum of 100 BAFTA members who hold specialist knowledge in the relevant craft. The Film Committee has reviewed the longlists resulting in the following changes for 2023:

Best Film and all craft categories will now be 10 films (from 15 films)
Outstanding British Film will now be 15 films (from 20 films)
Director will now be 16 films - 8 female and 8 male directed films (from 20 films)
The longlists for Outstanding Debut, British Short Film and British Short Animation categories will remain unchanged (10, 10 and 6 respectively)


Performance: the top three performances in all four performance categories in Round One Chapter voting will be automatically nominated, up from two in 2022. The longlisting and nominating jury process remains the same as last year, with the nominating jury selecting the remaining three places on the nominations list (down from four last year) - with the total nominations staying the same at a total of six per category.

Director: The top two directors (regardless of gender) from the Round One Chapter vote will automatically be nominated. The top five female and top five male directors will be longlisted. The longlisting jury will select the remaining three female and three male directors to create a longlist of 16 (equal gender split). In Round Two, the nominating jury will select four directors to join the two automatically nominated in Round One, creating a nominations list of six.

Make Up & Hair: eligible candidates for nomination will remain at Head of Department-level. Additional candidates may be submitted – up to a strict maximum of four nominees.

Producers: producers eligible for nomination in the Best Film and Outstanding British Film categories are as determined by the PGA. From 2023, the PGA will also determine eligible producers in the Animated Film, Documentary, and Film Not in the English Language categories. In these three categories if the PGA has not determined the eligible producers, the maximum number of eligible producers will remain at one (along with the Director), without appeal.

Eligibility dates

The eligibility period, during which films must be released theatrically in UK for the first time, will run from 1 January 2022 to 17 February 2023 for all films, except for those eligible for Documentary and Film Not in the English Language (FNIEL), which can be released up to and including 10 March 2023. Day and date releases will be eligible; however, VOD-only releases are not.


It will continue to be mandatory for all films in contention to be available on the voting members' online viewing platform BAFTA View, with further detail on key dates on BAFTA’s website. 

Diversity & Inclusion - ongoing

BAFTA studies entry data across its Awards to deepen understanding and provide insights into how the screen industries are progressing on diversity and inclusion and highlight areas of underrepresentation. This data informs rule changes as well as interventions and initiatives offered by BAFTA to address sector issues.

Diversity Standards: BAFTA became the first awards organisation to introduce diversity criteria in 2018.  Bolstering previous guidance, entrants across all film categories will be encouraged to submit basic details of their Diversity Standards information. Meeting the BFI Diversity Standards will remain mandatory for Outstanding British Film and Outstanding Debut.

Bullying & Harassment: Outstanding British Film and Outstanding Debut entrants will be asked for details of their company policies on bullying and harassment. This is not mandatory but is encouraged to inform future activity and is consistent across all BAFTA Awards, including TV and Games.


For further information:

Catherine Poust, PR and Communications Manager at BAFTA

[email protected]

Donna Mathews, Executive Director of PR & Communications at BAFTA

E [email protected]

Notes to Editors

General rules on campaigning will remain in place, however minor changes will be made to rules on synopsis copy and hosting.

Viewing Groups of 15 films will remain in place for Round One, with entered films to be allocated to their Group earlier in the awards season, to enable members greater flexibility and opportunity to plan.

Further information on the 2020 BAFTA Review – a landmark report offering over 120 ideas for levelling the playing field through unprecedented consultation with 400 industry and sector peers can be found here


BAFTA – the British Academy of Film and Television Arts - is a world-leading independent arts charity that brings the very best work in film, games and television to public attention and supports the growth of creative talent in the UK and internationally. Through its Awards ceremonies and year-round programme of learning events and initiatives – which includes workshops, masterclasses, scholarships, lectures and mentoring schemes in the UK, USA and Asia – BAFTA identifies and celebrates excellence, discovers, inspires and nurtures new talent, and enables learning and creative collaboration. For more, visit BAFTA is a registered charity (no. 216726).