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Letter from the Board: Our Reflections on 2022 from Kathryn Busby and Matthew Wiseman

What a year. It has been wonderful seeing us return in person to our events and programs, and with such warmth and enthusiasm from everyone. First and foremost, thank you for being part of BAFTA. It is your involvement that makes our work possible as a nonprofit arts organization. We have a lot to be proud of. 

We just hosted our final LA and NY screenings of the year, which means we hosted a staggering 146 screenings, heard from 267 brilliant Q&A guests, and welcomed 10,671 guests back through the theater doors. Virtual events have also continued, with 100s more joining some great panels and workshops, as well as the third season of our ‘Tea with a Nominee’ discussions.

We hosted our Yugo BAFTA Student Awards with activities in both LA and NY, and welcomed new participants to our Newcomers, Breakthrough and Vance Byrd Mentorship programs. We redoubled our work to support talented people regardless of background, as they enter and navigate our industry. We are now directly supporting over 200 people across our new talent programs in North America.

It has been wonderful to resume our membership mixers, and particularly heartening to see long-standing members welcoming more recent members to the fold, who we’re sure will be equally excited to engage and participate in our work in the months to come. 

We’re certainly back…not that we ever went anywhere of course. Challenges remain, but the passion, enthusiasm, and commitment amongst this unique community is as strong and vibrant as ever. We share great optimism for where the year ahead will take us - a roadmap that has been shaped by your feedback - and we look forward to going on the journey together with you.

Like many nonprofits, we rely heavily on fundraising and donations to make our programs possible. We understand you already contribute in many ways as a member, but when considering any year-end donations, we would love for you to think of BAFTA. Click here to contribute.

Thank you again. Please get in touch at any point, and we wish you and your loved ones a safe and restful holiday.

Kathryn Busby
BAFTA North America Board of Directors

Matthew Wiseman
Executive Director and Head of North America

For more Letters from the Board, click here.