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Letter from the Board: Meet Nyasha Hatendi

I've been a member of BAFTA since arriving in the US about 5 years ago but had always harbored a healthy skepticism, a feeling I know a lot of members of BAFTA are familiar with, particularly younger members and members of color.  What is BAFTA, really? Aside from a status symbol? What does BAFTA truly stand for? I voiced my doubts and frustrations, and to my surprise, I was elected to the North America board this year. I’ve discovered that my fellow Board Members are a diverse group of emotionally intelligent, forward-thinking, and innovative people. It has been an honor to serve with them, and an added privilege to have been chosen to Chair the Learning, Inclusion & Talent Committee in North America. A committee which in my opinion, is exactly what BAFTA is all about.
I'm an actor, writer, and producer by trade, working in both the US and UK industries for a number of years, and am committed to supporting those joining our industry from all walks of life, creating meaningful opportunities, and fostering the very best conditions, for them to succeed.

The Learning, Inclusion & Talent Committee oversees many programs we have here at BAFTA that focus on removing social and economic barriers for career starters and professionals. Providing them with the support they need to realize their fullest potential. BAFTA is a wealth of talent and opportunity, but as a charity, we aim to foster deep and meaningful relationships between BAFTA and the local communities in which we live. This means supporting young and aspiring game designers, writers, producers, costume designers, cinematographers, make-up artists - filmmakers and young hopefuls across the board - by going directly into traditionally overlooked and underserved communities, here in the US.

Programs include the Newcomers Program, Vance Byrd Mentorship Program, The Filmmakers Collective, and the Yugo BAFTA Student Awards. These programs are only made possible through the incredible support of my fellow committee members - many of whom are direct beneficiaries of the programs we run - and also the many esteemed members, of all ages, who volunteer to serve as mentors, guests, jurors, and judges. I had the privilege of serving on the jury this year to select our new BAFTA Breakthroughs, it is a program that has gone from strength to strength, and we celebrate the recent announcement of this year's participants. I am hugely proud of this year’s cohort and deeply grateful to our esteemed jurors who took the time to give back with such kindness and generosity.

I am extremely proud of the work BAFTA is doing here in the US and very grateful to be a part of it. I am thankful for the hard work that has gone into building the BAFTA we know today, from staff and members alike. It is truly inspiring. I’m very excited for what lies ahead and hope we will all continue to play an active role in the future of BAFTA in North America. In, particular our Learning Inclusion and New Talent Committee. 

I’m based in Los Angeles, I am often at our screenings and events - so please do not hesitate to reach out and say hello.

Nyasha Hatendi
Chair of the Learning, Inclusion, and Talent Committee

For more Letters from the Board, click here.