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Douglas Trumbull

Director, Visual Effects Supervisor, Inventor
8 April 1942 to 7 February 2022

A visual effects supervisor and director, who worked on some of the greatest science fiction films ever made. He is perhaps best known for creating the groundbreaking ‘stargate’ sequence in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), but he also worked on, among others, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) and Blade Runner (1982), all of which earned him Oscar nominations, the latter adding a BAFTA nomination, too. While best known for his innovative VFX work, Trumbull also directed two well-regarded feature films, Silent Running (1972) and Brainstorm (1983), as well as several shorts. He won two technical Oscars: in 1993, the Scientific and Engineering Award (shared with Robert Auguste) for jointly creating the CP-65 Showscan Camera System; and in 2012, the Gordon E Sawyer Award, which honours individuals who have made extraordinary and lasting technological contributions to the film industry.

Read Douglas Trumbull's Guardian obituary

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Read Douglas Trumbull's New York Times obituary

Read Douglas Trumbull's Variety obituary