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Bel Powley - Red Carpet Interview, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2016

14 February 2016

Red Carpet Interview with Bel Powley

Interviewer: Zoe Ball


Q.      Bel Powley, nominated for EE BAFTA Rising Star.  How excited are you right this minute?

A.      Very, very excited.  I grew up in London, I've been watching the BAFTA’s my whole life.

Q.      You're from Shepherds Bush

A.      I'm from the Bush.

Q.      It's incredible because when you watch Diary of a Teenage Girl, which I have to say, I love that film so much, I was working out this morning to the sound track.That might be a bit bizarre for you.

A.      The sound track is amazing, it's all 70s music.

Q.      It was such a joy.  Amongst a lot of films this year that have very heavy hitting, hard themes, it's not without drama but it was such a joyous film.  What a role to play, Minnie, she's such a great character?

A.      It was just a dream for me because it was the first time I ever really read a character that portrays what it feels like to be a woman. An honest portrayal of a girl.

Q.      And working with Alexander Skaarsgard and Kristen Wiig playing your mum?

A.      It was awful, they were horrible.  No, they were amazing.

Q.      You wore some incredible clothes.  What's next for you? You have so many films, I don't know which one to pick. Which one are you most excited about?

A.      I'm about to start shooting a movie with Elle Fanning that  Haiffa al -Mansour is directing, a period movie about Mary Shelley and her sister Claire Clairmont and I'm really excited about that because it's another female powerhouse movie.

Q.      Did you know much about Mary Shelley before this and Percy?

A.      Not really and the story we're telling, not a lot of people know. It's about the women rather than the men.

Q.      Good luck tonight.  You look absolutely wonderful.

A.      Thank you.  Thank you.