Resource Committing to accessibility in the creative industries Committing to accessibility in the creative industries
Resource Committing to accessibility in the creative industries Committing to accessibility in the creative industries
News In conversation… BAFTA Young Presenters on encouraging creativity in young people In conversation… BAFTA Young Presenters on encouraging creativity in young people
News Spotlight on... Helping remove barriers facing disabled people on set Spotlight on... Helping remove barriers facing disabled people on set
News Championing creative resilience: Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 Championing creative resilience: Children’s Mental Health Week 2025
Winner Jim RygielJoe LetteriRandall William CookAlex Funke The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers Achievement in Special Visual Effects
Nominee Scott FarrarMichael LantieriNathan McGuinnessHenry LaBounta Minority Report Achievement in Special Visual Effects
Nominee John DykstraScott StokdykAnthony LaMolinaraJohn Frazier Spider-Man Achievement in Special Visual Effects
Nominee Bruce SteinheimerMichael OwensEdward HirshJon Alexander Gangs Of New York Achievement in Special Visual Effects
Nominee Jim MitchellNick DavisJohn RichardsonBill GeorgeNick Dudman Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Achievement in Special Visual Effects
Winner The Warrior Bertrand FaivreAsif Kapadia Alexander Korda Award for the outstanding British Film of the Year
Nominee Bend It Like Beckham Deepak NayarGurinder Chadha Alexander Korda Award for the outstanding British Film of the Year
Nominee Dirty Pretty Things Tracey SeawardRobert JonesStephen Frears Alexander Korda Award for the outstanding British Film of the Year
Nominee The Hours Scott RudinRobert FoxStephen Daldry Alexander Korda Award for the outstanding British Film of the Year
Nominee The Magdalene Sisters Frances HigsonPeter Mullan Alexander Korda Award for the outstanding British Film of the Year
Nominee Gangs Of New York Howard ShoreRobbie RobertsonThe Edge Anthony Asquith Award for Original Film Music
Winner Asif Kapadia (DirectorCo-Writer) The Warrior Carl Foreman Award for Special Achievement by a British Director, Writer or Producer in their First Feature Film
Nominee Duncan Roy (DirectorWriter) AKA Carl Foreman Award for Special Achievement by a British Director, Writer or Producer in their First Feature Film
Nominee Simon Bent (Writer) Christie Malry's Own Double Entry Carl Foreman Award for Special Achievement by a British Director, Writer or Producer in their First Feature Film
Nominee Lucy Darwin (Producer) Lost In La Mancha Carl Foreman Award for Special Achievement by a British Director, Writer or Producer in their First Feature Film
Nominee The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers Peter Jackson David Lean Award for Achievement in Direction
Winner Talk To Her (Hable Con Ella) Agustín AlmodóvarPedro Almodóvar Film Not in the English Language
Nominee And Your Mother Too (Y Tu Mama Tambien) Jorge VergaraAlfonso Cuarón Film Not in the English Language
Nominee City Of God (Cidade De Deus) Andrea Barata RibeiroMauricio Andrade RamosFernando Meirelles Film Not in the English Language
Winner Michael Stevenson & David Tomblin Michael Stevenson & David Tomblin Non Competitive Outstanding British Contribution To Cinema
Nominee Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets David Randall ThomDennis LeonardJohn MidgleyRay MerrinGraham DanielRick Kline Sound
Nominee The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers Ethan Van Der RynDavid FarmerMichael HopkinsHammond PeekChristopher BoyesMichael SemanickMichael Hedges Sound