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Film Awards

Hosted by David Tennant, the 2024 EE BAFTA Film Awards took place on Sunday 18 February at London's Royal Festival Hall, the UK'S biggest night in film. 

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Film, Glorious Film!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Oliver!, the wonderful film adaptation of the musical based on Charles Dickens’ classic tale. Here we celebrate its impact, legacy and multiple BAFTA connections. Words by Toby Weidmann

Phantom Thread

Vox Popular

In August, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced it was introducing a new Popular Film category at the Oscars. After a media and public outcry, the Academy then decided to withdraw this category, determining it “merits further study”. However, the initial ire directed at the award provokes a curious question: what does the term ‘popular film’ mean? Filmmaker and writer Jon Spira lends his voice to the argument, both in definition and the impact it has on the broader film landscape.