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Wenting Deng Fisher

Wenting Deng Fisher



Wenting Deng Fisher is a Los Angeles based cinematographer and director. Using her mind’s eye, she’s always ready to capture precious moments or a unique perspective. Her photography work is seldom staged and captured in the vérité style. She has worked in camera departments in Asia, Europe, and the USA and has collaborated on shorts, features, documentaries, and everything in between. She is traditionally trained in Chinese watercolor and western oil painting, shaping her composition and lighting in cinematography.

Wenting’s work has been exhibited in film festivals such as Sundance, Palm Springs, Outfest, and many more worldwide. Her MFA thesis film EMPTY SKIES (as director) from Ohio University School of Film was a finalist for the Student Academy Awards. It was featured in a write-up by the American Cinematographer magazine.

She is currently a mentee of the American Society of Cinematographers’ ASC Vision Mentorship Program.