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Izzy Delore | The BAFTA Linda Kahn Scholarship for Animation

Izzy Delore | The BAFTA Linda Kahn Scholarship for Animation

Izzy Delore is a mixed Chinese-American animated filmmaker with a love for tender, emotional storytelling. Originally from Alameda, CA, he is currently based in New York City and pursuing a BFA in Animation at the School of Visual Arts.

I am incredibly honored to receive this scholarship from BAFTA in my final year of study at SVA. The financial support from this award has opened new doors for what my thesis film can become, and I am heartened to know that their talent committee sees potential in my work. Again, thank you so much!

Utilizing a variety of approaches to traditional, stop-motion and digital animation in his work, Izzy aims to translate the subtleties of life into narratives that can resonate with a greater audience.