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My First 3 Years in Film

My First 3 Years in Film

This session will explore how you can start and grow your film career – we’ll talk about the skills you need, the ways to break into the industry, how to manage both your career and yourself as a freelancer.  

Bydd y sesiwn hon yn archwilio sut gallwch ddechrau a datblygu’ch gyrfa ym myd ffilmiau – byddwn yn siarad am y sgiliau y bydd arnoch eu hangen, ffyrdd o ymuno â’r diwydiant, a sut i reoli’ch gyrfa a chi’ch hun fel hunanliwtiwr.   

Speakers / Siaradwyr: 

Zillah Bowes (Writer/Director - Staying Aros Mae, Allowed) 
Andrew Creak (Runner/Filmmaker - Doctor Who, The Tuckers) 
Faye Hannah (Head of Skills and Training at Ffilm Cymru Wales)
Ryan Andrew Hooper (Director - Hidden Animals, The Toll) 

Hosted by / Wedi cadeirio gan Erykah Cameron (Freelance Creative) 

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