BAFTA Crew Games aims to support the next generation of games talent through insights from BAFTA winners and nominees, and a community of peers and future collaborators.
For £30, you will get..
- A monthly masterclass exploring the craft behind a BAFTA-nominee or the team behind a BAFTA-nominated film/television project
- A monthly roundtable on areas including mental health and well-being, sustainable practices and freelancing as well as small group discussions with BAFTA-winners and nominees.
- Structured networking events for participants to connect with each other, BAFTA members and industry
- Access to a private Facebook group for networking, showcasing work and promoting crew opportunities
- A dedicated fortnightly newsletter outlining upcoming events and opportunities
- Access to a selection of tickets to BAFTA’s wider Learning and New Talent programme, including masterclasses, events, screenings and Q&As
- Access to private playlist of event recordings and transcripts
- Inclusion in an online directory of every BAFTA Crew participant, circulated in the BAFTA members newsletter and to selected press
- Travel bursaries to attend live events delivered around the UK
To be eligible for BAFTA Crew Games 2020 you must:
Be actively working on, and making a creative contribution to, games produced and/or distributed in the UK
Have 2-5 years relevant experience in the game industry including internships or graduate placement
What sort of experience are you looking for?
You must be actively involved in game production or design in order to apply.
I am a journalist, gaming enthusiast or work in game industry PR, am I eligible?
Unfortunately not, BAFTA Crew Games only accepts applications from game practitioners (i.e. makers)
I am a trainee or hold a junior role, am I eligible?
We welcome applications from candidates who have demonstrated a level of skill and professionalism in their field but are still new to their career. Providing you have at least 2 years relevant experience in game design then you are eligible to participate
Can I apply with my colleagues?
All applications must be submitted on an individual basis but there are no restrictions in regards to how many individuals can apply from the same company. If you apply with your colleagues there is the possibility you could all become Crew members. BAFTA is a charitable organisation – we welcome companies to sponsor their employees to apply for membership
How will members be selected?
Crew Games members will be selected by a professional jury who are looking for a minimum of 2 years professional experience and a commitment to working in the game industry
I have already participated in BAFTA Crew, am I eligible for the 2020 programme?
Participants from previous BAFTA Crew programmes are welcome to re-apply. If you have taken parental leave and would like to discuss your eligibility, please email [email protected]
I am a BAFTA member, can I apply?
No, this programme is not applicable for full BAFTA Members. BAFTA Members will be invited to attend events to meet participants and can nominate potential participants by emailing [email protected]
Where will the events take place?
The events will take place online and in venues across the UK. This will be based on the geographical location of the final group, with travel bursaries available for those based more than 50 miles away from the venue.
Do I have to be living in the UK to access the programme?
Applicants need to be currently living and working in the UK, however welcome those with international experience on their CV. Previous work experience in the UK is not a necessary requirement so long as you currently reside in the UK
When do I need to pay the joining fee?
Participants will need to pay the joining fee upon selection.
Why can’t I see the full programme of masterclasses now?
We work with the industry’s best practitioners who won’t always know their availability months in advance. We will endeavor to give Crew members prior notice when programming masterclasses. Once selected for BAFTA Crew Games 2020, you will have access to an online calendar of events and be notified with any updates or changes
Who will deliver the events?
BAFTA events are delivered and led by BAFTA-winners and nominees as well as industry professionals from the film and television industry. Please visit BAFTA Guru for a taste of previous BAFTA Content
I am an experienced practitioner looking for a programme that will develop my technical skills. Is this programme for me?
This programme is not a technical training course and is not designed for one specific craft. BAFTA Crew Games will give you access to a programme of events led by industry creatives and aims to provide a community of professionals at a similar level in the industry to network and collaborate with
Will BAFTA cover my travel to and from events?
We have a limited number of bursaries available per event to supplement travel costs for those travelling to an event more than 50 miles from their home address. Further details will be available once you have been accepted and before you pay your fee