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Rami Malek - Winner's Acceptance Speech, Leading Actor, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2019

10 February 2019

Winner's acceptance speech by Rami Malek for Bohemian Rhapsody in the Leading Actor category

RAMI MALEK:  This is truly extraordinary.  Really, thank you to BAFTA for this gorgeous gift.  

I still cannot believe that I'm included with this group of actors; actors I so respect and admire.  I share this with you guys, every moment.  I thank my lucky stars.

It's quite difficult entering your world in this role as an outsider.  You Brits, do you it so well, and it's not lost on me how sacred your musical heritage is.  So thank you, thank you, thank you for including me.

I have to thank Fox and New Regency and our producers, Graham King and Denis O'Sullivan, and Dexter Fletcher and this extraordinary cast and crew that I had the blessing -- so blessed to work with every day.  I thank you.  I would not be here without each and every one of you.

Thank you so very much to Queen, to Brian May and to Roger Taylor, to the entire Queen family.  I wouldn't be here without you.  

And to the greatest outsider of them all, for being so unwavering and unflinching and uncompromising in every which way, thank you, Freddie Mercury, again.