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David Beckham - Red Carpet Interview, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2015

8 February 2015

Red carpet interview with David Beckham

Interviewer: Zoe Ball

Q.  Welcome to the BAFTAs, how exciting.  You are presenting best film tonight, best British film, which have been your favourites?

A.  I just said the same, I just said it is hard to choose a favourite because there are so many great films out at the moment and tonight is obviously a selection of that so it is hard to actually pick one.  I never like to kind of put myself out there and pick one because I think it is unfair to other films out there but there, like I said, there are so many great films out at the moment, obviously The Theory of Everything, Paddington was a big one in our household.

Q.  In our household too.

A.  And I think Birdman, Birdman was a great film too but obviously tonight is a celebration of all of those, so it is an exciting night.

Q.  Do you get excited to meet the actors. I imagine they get excited to meet you?

A.  I just bumped into Benedict, he is a great guy and I have met him a few times over the last six months, so it is great to be here and see so many talented people all in the same room, it is such a big night for them.  So I am proud and honoured to be here tonight.

Q.  Acting for you ever?

A.  No, definitely not.  I have done a few things over the last 10, 15 years but obviously nothing on these standards but I will keep it at that I think.

Q.  Good luck tonight, enjoy.