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Bong Joon-ho- Winner's Acceptance Speech, Original Screenplay, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2020

2 February 2020

Winner's acceptance speech by Bong Joon-ho for Parasite in the Original Screenplay category 

BONG JOON-HO:  Thank you.  Thank you, BAFTA.  

I didn't expect this award at all because the script was written in a foreign language, so thank you to BAFTA for showing so much love for this film.  

I once again would like to thank my amazing actors who actualised the dialogue and scenes that I wrote.  I really believe that their body language and expressions are truly the universal language.  

I spent many lonely hours at coffee shops because I always write at coffee shops.  I never imagined that I would be standing right here at the Royal Albert Hall.

I dedicate this honour to all the companies and all the crew members and cast members who helped me create Parasite and make it a reality.

Thank you.