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A statement regarding Bryan Singer and his Film Awards nomination

6 February 2019
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In light of recent very serious allegations, BAFTA has informed Bryan Singer that his nomination for Bohemian Rhapsody has been suspended, effective immediately. 

BAFTA considers the alleged behaviour completely unacceptable and incompatible with its values. This has led to Mr Singer’s suspended nomination.  BAFTA notes Mr Singer’s denial of the allegations.  The suspension of his nomination will therefore remain in place until the outcome of the allegations has been resolved.

For the avoidance of doubt, Bohemian Rhapsody remains nominated in the Outstanding British Film category, and the other individuals named as candidates in respect of the film remain nominees.  

BAFTA believes everyone has the right to a fulfilling career in a safe, professional working environment, and it will continue to collaborate with the film, games and television industries to achieve this.

BAFTA will make no further statement on this matter during the period of suspension.


The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) is a world-leading independent arts charity that brings the very best work in film, games and television to public attention and supports the growth of creative talent in the UK and internationally. Through its Awards ceremonies and year-round programme of learning events and initiatives – which includes workshops, masterclasses, scholarships, lectures and mentoring schemes in the UK, USA and Asia – BAFTA identifies and celebrates excellence, discovers, inspires and nurtures new talent, and enables learning and creative collaboration. For advice and inspiration from the best creative minds in working in film, games and television, visit For more, visit