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Letter from the Board: Meet Elliot Knight

Hello! My name is Elliot Knight, I have been active in the industry as an Actor for the last 12 years across the UK and the US in Film, TV, and Games, and as a Director since 2020.

Since the same year, I have been honored to serve on the Board of Directors for then BAFTA LA and now as Deputy Chair of BAFTA North America as well as serving on the UK BAFTA Board.

My passion for this opportunity stands largely in spotlighting and empowering the thriving Gaming industry as well as true and authentic diverse representation across all sectors of BAFTA’s incredible reach. Being a part of our tremendous Learning, Inclusion, and Talent committee lends itself beautifully to this work - through which I have been thrilled to host our fantastic Student Awards for the last 3 years, showcasing the best upcoming filmmakers and game designers from all around the globe. I am excited to see the impact and scale of these programs and events continue to grow over the coming years as BAFTA North America strives to further its connection to even more students and communities and strengthens our commitment to grass-roots talent representing the most innovative future leaders of the entertainment industry.

BAFTA is a prestigious and uniquely positioned charitable entity to highlight and supports some of the most important aspects and tiers of entertainment that exist today in a way that no other organization does. I hope to fuel BAFTA’s bold and inspired efforts to continue as an energized leader in this space and spearhead a bright and exciting path for the very best creative talent of today and tomorrow.

I would welcome all members, particularly those with an extra enthusiasm to get further involved in this exciting chapter to offer their own talents and expertise to our many mentorship and volunteer programs and to keep an eye out for our upcoming slate of new events and showcases as we dive deeper into the world of Games and beyond and we extend a warm BAFTA North America invite to all of you to join us.

Elliot Knight
Deputy Chair
BAFTA North America Board of Directors

For more Letters from the Board, click here.