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Kimlord | China Scholar 2018 - 2019

Kimlord | China Scholar 2018 - 2019

Kimlord, aged 25 from Qinghai Province, China, is awarded £15,000 towards course fees and living expenses for the MA in Documentary at Liverpool John Moores University. Kimlord is being mentored by Kim Longinotto.

I am truly grateful that BAFTA supports students in their education and development in various ways

Kimlord has a Law degree from Lanzhou University, as well as a specialist applied English sub degree from Xi'an Eurasia University. Following their studies, they spent three years as a schoolteacher, while also making films in their spare time. 

Kimlord said: “BAFTA is like a bridge that it helps me to across a swift river to my dream place! It’s such an honour to receive BAFTA scholarship. I am truly grateful that BAFTA supports students in their education and development in various ways! The scholarship means that I could become an independent documentary filmmaker telling diverse stories.”