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Theeb - Winner acceptance speech, Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2016

14 February 2016

Winners' Acceptance Speech by Naji Abu Nowar and Rupert Lloyd in the Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer category 

NAJI ABU NOWAR:  Thank you very much.  I have been working with Rupert since we were five years old in kindergarten.  So this is a long journey for us.
There are so many people that we have to thank that made -- made this possible and for us to reach here today.
From our parents, our families, our friends.  All our colleagues.  All our mentors along the way, we hope we have justified your support and your generosity and thank you very much to BAFTA.
RUPERT LLOYD:  We would like to thank the community behind the film.  We are here because of them and a special thanks must go to our friend Bassel Ghandour who also produced and carried the film.  We share this award with him and the tribe.  Thanks a lot.