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Steven Spielberg - Red Carpet Interview, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2016

14 February 2016

Red Carpet Interview with Steven Spielberg

Interviewer: Zoe Ball

Q.      I'm joined by Steven Spielberg, nominated so many times tonight for Bridge of Spies, I think nine nominations for the film tonight, how thrilled does that make you?

A.      It's thrilling, it's wonderful because everybody who helped make the movie is part of this evening so I feel in my own good company with all of my compatriots

Q.      I love the story that you and Tom Hanks sort of love to relax by reading about history and comparing notes for things like this.  When Matt Sharman first called you and talked you through the script was this a film you wanted to do immediately?

A.      Well, here is a British writer who is telling an American director about a piece of American history that I knew nothing about so bravo to him for unearthing this incredible character of Jim Donovan who did these amazing things back in the 1950s and 60s.

Q.      What did Ethan and Joel Coen bring to the script?  You brought them on board to help with the script, what extra bits did they bring?

A.      Joel and Ethan did a lot of work on the characters, on the humour, on the irony but it was really a great collaboration between Matt and Joel and Ethan.

Q.      We must talk about Mark Rylance, nominated for Supporting Actor.

A.      Mark is one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had as a director and I just think he's a force of nature.  As you all know because he's from here.  He's a beautiful person.

Q.      He really is.  We can't wait to see him as the BFG.

A.      He's going to be the BFG and he's very incredible as a big friendly giant.

Q.      Good luck for the movie tonight, wonderful to meet you, you're an absolute legend.

A.      Wonderful to talk to you