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Mark Ruffalo - Red Carpet Interview, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2016

14 February 2016

Red Carpet Interview with Mark Ruffalo

Interviewer: Zoe Ball

Q.      Here we are, Mark Rylance, and your lovely wife Sunrise - welcome.  It's rather cold, I can only apologise.

A.      It's cold.

Q.      What an incredible performance from all of you in Spotlight.

A.      Thank you.

Q.      Had you read, you know, when you read through the script, when you met Mike, who was the character you were to play, you must have felt a huge responsibility telling this story?

A.      Yeah, because what we're talking about is essentially life and death for a lot of people and it was so important that we get it right because at the end of the day, I'm sure there's a lot of people that would like to see this movie not do so well.

Q.      Yes.  Obviously. Okay.

A.      You know, we had the responsibility of the true people that we were talking about but also all the survivors in the world who are still living with this nightmare.

Q.      What did Mike Rezendes make of your portrayal, was he happy?

A.      I think Mike is very, very happy with the portrayal.  I think it was a little nerve wracking for him at first but he's told me time and time again how appreciative he is, and I'm very appreciative to him and his generosity.

Q.     Christian Bale is here as well but do you feel like you're representing everybody from your film tonight?

A.      I do.  There's no way that I could be here without them.  They're all amazing actors, Stanley Tucci, Michael Keaton and Brian d'Arcy James and they’re all here with me.
Q.      They are here with you.  Good luck tonight.  Lovely to see you again.