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Kate Winslet - Red Carpet Interview, EE British Academy Film Awards in 2016

14 February 2016

Red Carpet Interview with Kate Winslet

Interviewer: Zoe Ball

Q.      Kate Winslet, congratulations on your nomination --

A.      Thank you very much.

Q.      -- for Steve Jobs.  Michael Fassbender was just in this very spot, he had some wonderful things to say about you.

A.      God, love him.  He was amazing, I feel I'm here really because of him because he did it all, he was so prepared, so professional every day, it was an enormous undertaking for him and for us as actors, you know, just to have him as our leader, it was just incredible.

Q.      He said you're a natural leader and you're always checking everyone was alright?

A.      I can get a little bit mother hen but I actually felt like I had to look after him because he was so honestly immersed and focused on the role that I would watch him get thinner and thinner, it was sort of a stress thing I think so I would keep trying to push chips his way and arrange weekends away for him to go and relax and eat steaks.

Q.      You are the mother hen.  You're wonderful.  What about working with Aaron Sorkin, the man of words, he is an incredible force?

A.      I think for me that was the biggest pull initially, knowing that he had written this script and there was a female role that at the time was kind of up for grabs and I thought I've got to do everything I can to be in that film, why would I not want to be in that film, written by him, directed by Danny Boyle with Michael Fassbender in the lead, I'd have to be a crazy person not to throw myself under a bus for that role.

Q.      I must ask you about Triple 9, Irina, she looks like a lot of fun to play?

A.      So Irina, yes, she was a really terrifying role to play and actually the film was made ages ago, my son was only six months old and he's now two and a bit and since then I've done The Dressmaker and Steve Jobs, so it's lots of movies ago and I watched it myself the other night and I thought how did I manage to be that terrifying and breast feed at the same time.

Q.      The power of a woman.  Good luck tonight it's a very strong category.

A.      Amazing category, it's so great to be here.

Q.      Good luck.  Lovely to see you.